PictureTorrance and the Torros from the first Bring It On.
When you hear the word cheerleader what is the first thing that pops into your head? Many think of the beautiful, popular, ditzy, loud girl that is dating the quarterback of the football team. well not to burst any ones bubble but we are not all like that. All cheerleaders are different and we all have very different personalities and character traits. So i would like to explain why this stereotype that we as cheerleaders seem to get. First off beauty is in the eye of the beholder there is no set definition of beauty. Ive been told that all cheerleaders do is chew gum and lose brain cells, but that is entirely untrue. For starters we are not allowed to chew gum while cheer leading much like in other sports because of the choking hazard, and for many schools you must maintain a certain GPA to be eligible to participate in any sports including cheer leading. When it comes to being loud yes i will admit we are loud but that is our job we must be able to project our voices to get the crowd pumped if we couldn't what good would we be.But that doesn't mean that we are loud all the time i know quite a few cheerleaders who are very quiet,but as soon as you get them on the track they are as loud as can be.  Clearly it is unreasonable that we are all dating the quarterback of the football team because the ratio of cheerleaders to quarterbacks is about 20:1.Many of these stereotypes come about and are continued through various types of media like television and movies, but i am happy to inform you that we are not all like the girls you see on TV. Just like many other stereotypes those about cheerleaders are 100% false.