Okay so my next several posts are going to be about my favorite part of cheerleading..... STUNTING! Stunting is on of the more exciting part of cheering i mean who doesn't love watching girl flying through the air. When stunting you can take one of  the four positions you can be a Flyer/Top Girl, a Base, a Back spot and last but not least a Front spot. All positions are very important to ensure the stunt goes up without any problems. You have to remember the most important part of stunting is safety because it is a very dangerous task. So when trying something new or something that you aren't comfortable with make sure you have extra people around to spot the stunt and perfection before progression. Soon enough you too can master the high flying tricks that everyone watches in awe.

Another basic element of cheer is the jumps! There are five basic jumps and those are the toe touch, right hurdler, left hurdler, herkie and last but not least a pike. Now jumps are a little bit more challenging to master, but with hard work and dedication it's more than doable. When practicing your jumps it's important to remember to keep your head, chest and arms up. NEVER EVER EVER bring your chest to your legs. If your upper body is pulled up it really doesn't matter how high you get your legs. Your jumps are all about making pretty lines so always point your toes! I know that is a lot to remember but it becomes second nature after a while.

This is an example of a herkie!

For any readers that don't know much about cheerleading my goal this week is to break down the basics! Lets start with motions shall we? We have right basic motions and they are the high V, low V, T, touchdown, right L, left L, half T and punch. These motions are what we use to make up the movements that go along with our cheers so they are pretty important. But no worries they are super easy to master and all you have to remember is stay sharp! No matter what stay sharp and your motions will always look flawless


Cheerleaders do a lot more than what everyone seems to think. We do not only stand in front of the fans jumping up and down waving our Pom poms around. There is so much more to it, and I'm going to break it all down for you. Of course there are times when we just jump around and that's called spiriting we use it to get the crowd going and while its important we don't put much emphasis on it at practice. We spend out long grueling practices doing cheers and chants and of course stunting and jumping. For those of you that don't know yes there is a difference between a cheer and a chant, but I can explain that later. Next we have our jumps and tumbling which while it all looks pretty they are a beast to master! Finally we have stunting which is almost everyone's favorite part because it is flashy, difficult and impressive. To some it is like magic how we can make humans fly. But as you can see we do much more than you realize hence the crazy long practices!