Shoulder sits, Shoulder stands and thigh stands!

While basic stunts may not be the most exciting they are essential to learn before progessing to more advnaced stunts. It is important to always remeber perfection before progression. These stunts are easy to learn and you can master them in almost no time at all. They will take two to three people to execute each stunt. The shoulder sit is simply when you have a base with a flyer sitting on her shoulders and if you would like you can have a spot around to assist with getting into the stunt and the dismount but a spot is not required. Then you have a shoulder stand which is quite similar the only difference is that the flyer will be standing on the bases shoulders instead of sitting. Both of the previous stunts can be loaded into in several different ways. The last but not least we have the thigh stand, now this stunt requires three people. tow bases and one flyer. Your bases will start out in a lunge towards on another and the flyer using the bases shoulders to push off of witll step and lock into a standing position on their thighs.
Today we are going to talking about the very basics of stunting, and those are stunting drills. There are various drills that you can do and they are all intended to prepare you for certain stunts or certain parts of a stunt. They also help build your skill set to ensure everyone is safe while stunting. A few stunting drils all the trophy drill, the cradle pop drill and the four corner drill. to execute each of these drill you will need four to six people. Lets start with the Trophy drill, it takes four or five people and is used to prepare you fro basket tosses. You will start in the stunt as if you were beginning a basket (which will be explained in greater detail in an upcoming blog)  and then as a group you will lift your flyer up without releasing her and hold her up for three seconds before bringing her down. In the cradle pop drill all members will set as if you just cradled out of a stunt and then you will pop the flyer into the air having her pull up with her core. This drill helps all group members prepare for the impact of a cradle and it ensures proper catching. Finally we have the four corner drill!!! in this drill simply have one person get down on all fours and have your flyer stand on top staying very tight, have the remaining four people stand at each of the four corners and catch the flyer if she falls in your direction.Always stay alert while doing this drills because while they are simple you are still at risk of falling.
This is an example of a proper cradle catch.