Basket tosses are a core part of stunting in cheerelading, but they are the most unique the approach for a basket toss is totally different from anything else we have discussed.A basket toss is an advanced stunt. In which, the bases propel the flyer
upwards by more than 10-30 feet from the loading position. It is a toss by a maximum of four bases, of a top girl, straight up in the air, so the flyer can perform a trick like a toe touch, ball-out, kiss-out, pretty girl, twist, tuck, kick twist down or a pike, etc and then, land back in a cradle position. The basket is assembled by each one of the bases, grabbing their own right wrist
with their left hand and then using their right hand to grab each others' left wrist. The flyer, with some help from the back spot, places her feet on the square created to minimize pressure. Finally, the bases dip, then stand up, again dip and then trow using all their power. All basket tosses are amazing to watch and in my persoanl opinion are the most thrilling to perform. Below are some pictures of the differnt basket tosses discussed above.

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